

Reproduction requires the participation of both the male and female in natural or artificial insemination procedures. However, the quality of sperm and egg play an important role in ensuring the success of any infertility treatment.  As per research, In every 100 couples, more than 50 cases of infertility have their source in male deficiencies.

Male Infertility Causes

The male infertility results from different causes such as –

  • Poor quality of sperm in terms of shape, count, and motility.
  • Azoospermia due to congenital absence of vas deferens or obstruction in ductal system.
  • Hormonal deficiency or testicular failure.
  • Any surgery on testis or cancer therapy.

Sperm extraction procedure includes PESA, MESA, TESA, and TESE are widely performed across the world to treat male infertility problems and Azoospermia, The advancement in medical technologies offer higher success rates and increase the hope of couples.


Among the different sperm retrieval methods, MICROTESA or Microsurgical testicular sperm aspiration refers to a highly advanced surgical procedure for recovering sperm from the testes. The precise and highly accurate surgery relies on a powerful microscope to extract the sperms from healthy tubules.

  • The scrotal surgery is very precise and has a very high rate of accuracy in sperm aspiration.
  • An advanced microscope is used with powerful magnification power.
  • Great Expertise is required to perform the MICROTESA surgery under anaesthesia.
  • The testicular tubules are microscopic structures, and the micro-needle aspirates the fluid and tissue in an efficient manner.
  • The operating microscope targets the fuller and more normal tubules for higher success rate in achieving sperm aspiration.
  • The scarred and fibrotic tubules are avoided by the urologist during MICROTESA surgery.
  • Aspirated tissue is tested by embryologist for the availability of sperms.
  • Once the availibility of the sperms is confirmed then the tissue is cryopreserved for later use as ICSI.
  • If sperms are not seen in the aspirated tissue the send it for Histopathological testing to confirm the diagnosis.